Everything for Bloggers

If you are a blogger this is one site you must visit. It began as I started collecting links to some sites very useful for bloggers. Lately I've been using it to upload the Blogger Templates designed by me.

And, with immense pleasure, I'd like to share that some of my templates have already been featured on other template/theme related sites :)



Kshitij KK Khurana said...

Cool templates man. I am sure people would want them. You just need some traffic. Your blog can become like a blogshop :)

MS Ahluwalia said...

Thanks Kshitij! I'm glad you liked my work.

Blog Shop.. well, a nice term that.. I never thought my blogs could serve as something like that. Anyway, rather unfortunately, traffic is eluding these blogs.

Dimples said...

Thanks! yours too ;)

MS Ahluwalia said...

Thanks Sheila... BTW added you on FB and Digg.. you can find my IDs on other sites below.. if you are on any of these, feel free to add me on :)

Meghana said...

Very nice template!

Something for you on my blog.Check!

MS Ahluwalia said...

Thanks for the kind words Meghana :)

** Off to Meghana's blog ;) **